The coverup continues as the following links have been removed or altered since breaking the Beth Olson story below on her past:
http://www.dspride.com/ourfamily.htm DELETED
http://www.d.umn.edu/~anichols/CST2001/glbtstudies.htm DELETED
http://www.d.umn.edu/~anichols/ DELETED
http://www.dspride.com/ourfamily.htm DELETED
http://www.d.umn.edu/~anichols/CST2001/glbtstudies.htm DELETED
http://www.d.umn.edu/~anichols/ DELETED
http://www.gaymilitarysignal.com/0802Nichols.html WEDDING PHOTO LINK DELETED
Mail your new informative links to ramoneanthony@gmail.com
New links include:
Mail your new informative links to ramoneanthony@gmail.com
New links include:
http://www.theweddingparty.org/inthenews/2005_08_01_archive.html Mom 2 Times
http://www.d.umn.edu/mlrc/glbt/ (site modified since being posted here)
Firehouse Spaghetti DinnerFundraiser for Beth Olson and Kerry Gauthier
Come join us and some firefighters for some great food, drinks, and support Beth and Kerry!
Beth Olson for Duluth City Council Beth Olson is officially endorsed by the Duluth Central Labor Body, the Firefighters Union, and AFSCME Council 5!!!
Two Superior women, Angie Nichols and Beth Olson, also have joined the board. A native of Minnesota, Nichols has lived in Superior since June 2004. Nichols is the LGBT Services Director at the University of Minnesota - Duluth. Olson has lived in Superior for eight years and works for the Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault in Duluth. She and Nichols were married in Canada last year.
Olson cited concerns for the child the couple is raising. “I want to make sure that our seven-year-old daughter does not grow up in a society where hatred is not only tolerated, but is written into the constitution. We are teaching her about fairness, justice, equality and community mindedness. This amendment runs contrary to those values,” Olson said.
Nichols and Olson are planning a number of house parties and speakers trainings in the region to raise public awareness about the amendment. Last November, Action Wisconsin helped organize a town hall meeting in Superior about marriage equality and the amendment.
What are they hiding. Looks to me like something much bigger is going on behind the sceens.
The LIB won't print the Beth Olson story becasue they are part of the problem.
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