Saturday, December 15, 2007

Newborn view: You ain’t seen nothing yet

This Christmas season many Duluthians are in a boil over their recent property tax bill double digit increases. You can only wonder why they keep voting the way they do.

Looking ahead, one can conclude, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Duluth is in deep dung and when the Democrats take the White House next year, what are you going to give up?

The ISD709 Christmas Red plan and the City of Duluth’s catastrophic financial mess, together equal about a billion dollar delusional boondoggle, BDDB. Considering there’s a limited declining tax base to support the BDDB, when the Democrats federal tax increases hit the remaining Duluth middle class, hang on if you can.

The following cutbacks would be a good start:

Skiing at Spirit Mt.
A fish tank experience
Events at the DECC
Cable TV
Dining out
A night out to the movies
Second car
Heating your home over 60 degrees
A night at the casino
A vacation
Giving to charity

To all of my Scrooge Perfect Duluth Day fans: Yes I used the “C” word, Christmas. Now all of you politically correct freaks, get working a second job so you can pay for your internet connection and enjoy my musical salute below to an up and coming member of the Clowncil.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snow job view: Clowncil tackles snow removal

Now that the Duluth Can Can Can’t City Clowncil has resolved the retiree healthcare fiasco through the fund raiser (click here), the Duluth News Tabloid investigate team, D-team, has receive a new surveillance video link from Cheaters of members of the Clowncil assisting with the snow removal from the two recent storms.

Taxpayers of Duluth can rest assured that the over $6,000.000 budget shortfall for 2008 is easily resolved with such clever cost cutting activities as demonstrated in the surveillance video link.

An anonymous tipster provided documentation that a Duluth coalition of euphorians called the DRR’s were concerned about the cheating of Duluth taxpayers by the union dominated Clowncil. Lead Cheaters Investigator, Joey Greco informed the DRR’s that Cheaters was unable to document any inter-clowncil improprieties by its members.

Your humble correspondent was unable to validate the acronym DRR as the time the story was released.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Kool Aid view: Tired of the taste?

You humble correspondent is looking for contrived topics for the new Kool Aid View.

Email me at with your examples of your favorite home brew Kool Aid. Enquiring minds want to know.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Priceless view: Priceless Duluth politics

Filing fee for local office $ 20 one time

20,000 phone calls $ 5,000 per day

60,000 flyers and postage $24,000 per mailing

Television and radio media blitz $ you don't want to know

Professional AFL-CIO AFSCME campign machine $ you're only beginning to know

The total “independent” expenditures BIG


Big money self serving special interests endorsements


Priceless Politics is a worth reading (click here). See any similarities?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Investigative view: AFSCME professional campaign staff uncovered

November 6, 2007
Guest correspondent: Inspector Clueso
Duluth News Tabloid

The other DNT, TODNT, ran a story today, Big issues, hotly contested races define election 2007 in Duluth .

The story includes “In the 1st District, challenger Todd Fedora raised and spent double what his opponent and incumbent Laurie Johnson did”.

This statement is clearly biased or the TODNT is completely incompetent because they did not disclose the enormous independent expenditures that contributed to the Laurie Johnson campaign. (Click here for the definition of independent expenditures).

Duluth voters have been exposed to record breaking political expenditures this election. Voters have been inundated with intrusive campaign telemarketing phone calls, daily direct mail flyers, billboards, television ads and radio ads.

Contributors leading the way in the record independent expenditures are:

AFSCME Local 66
Duluth AFL-CIO Central Labor Body
Duluth Firefighters PAC

In addition to independent expenditures above, Laurie Johnsons campaign signs were delivered to AFSCME’s local office and set up in local yards by AFSCME employees on the job. It is unknown what the dollar value of a professional campaign staff is, but reviewing the AFSCME salaries appears to demonstrate a substantial worth.

The Department of Labor allows for the public to review the happenings within labor unions. (Click here to do your own search).

For Union Abbreviation, choose AFSCME

For State, choose Minnesota

Click on Submit

Choose 543-153 2006 Report for State & County Muni Empls AFL-CIO Leadership Council 5, at the top.

Hang on as you review the $19,486,341 of AFSCME Council 5 wages and disbursements including a whooping $555,813 for the professional Duluth AFSCME campaign staff of Eric Lehto, Sarah Lewerenz, Laurie Johnson, Pam Lofquist, Ken Loffler-Kemp, Marshall Stenerson and Mary Theurer.

This Duluth News Tabloid guest correspondent concludes either the TODNT does not want you to know the truth or is incapable of understanding and investigating the political process they are reporting to the public.

Lack of truth or credibility, you decide by voting on the poll to the right.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Front view: Special interests and unions dominate incumbent Councilor's financial reports

The DNT has received public records of District 1 Councilor’s Laurie Johnson’s campaign financial report. The donations most notably are dominated by the usual labor interests. (Click on the image for full detail)
AFSCME heavy hitter Eric Lehto, AFSCME and multiple donations from Progressive Action lead the way. It should be noted that Progressive Action is led by Barb Olson, wife of AFSCME Field Representative Marshall Stenersen.

Laurie Johnson states that she is for “working” families and represents all the people of District 1. Councilor Johnson’s voting record has demonstrated a clear and consistent record of supporting union interests. Councilor Johnson has equally voted against non-union employers. So we want to know, what working families is Councilor Johnson for, the one’s paying dues that pay her salary, the out of town unions funding the campaign, or the all working families of Duluth, union and non-union?

Councilor Johnson is an employee of AFSCME Local 66, the same union that represents two thirds of the City of Duluth employees. A review of Councilor Johnson’s website fails to indicate her employment with the City of Duluth’s largest union.

The DNT attempted to have Councilor Johnson explain “working” families and all of the people of District 1, but Johnson was not available for comment.

Thursday, October 18, 2007