by Tony Ramone, For the Duluth News Tabloid
And the winner of the prestigious DCB Lifetime Blogging Achievement Award is…well which moniker of Duluth’s most famous sockpuppet should we use was the question that first stumped our selection committee until a night to remember out on the town.
Thank you DCBers
First, we thank all that posted on the DCB or emailed nominees to Tony. The participation, especially via email, exceeded our wildest expectations.
Who would have thought a “Commodore 64” message board operated down in “mom’s basement” according to critics of the DCB, would have a great following and be Duluth’s longest running blog?
We also thank all the posters on the DCB who have made the DCB what it is to-date, “Where the Action is!” It wouldn’t happen without you!
The selection committee meeting an awesome evening on the town
As the selection committee enjoyed a few libations generously placing $5 to $20 bills here and there on the corporeal talent at the "Club" in Canal Park, we discussed who has and currently adds the most content and promotes the DCB in discussion in the area blogosphere.
The selection committee, member by member, went as far as to contract professional input at $25 per session, during numerous private consultations in the club’s very comfortable backroom. We are most appreciative of our consultants, Bianca, Cream, Lexus, and Rayne for their highly skilled services and assistance with the end result.
Our professional consultants helped the selection committee focus on the commitment to the cause as a committed blogger, whether we agree with them or not, over focusing on physical and sensual attributes facing our decision that evening. The ladies are true professionals.
The DCB Lifetime Blogging Achievement Award
Many quality nominees came in. Old time favorites that many DCB readers remembered from the past such as Ben Dover, Dave B, Cyberslut Watch, Danny G, JBBP, Lib Reader Online, and of course me. These early days of the DCB blogger nominees brought back memories to the old time DCBers but didn't fully fulfill our selection criteria.
The number one selection criteria factor was the impact bloggers have demonstrated in elevating the DCB to what it is today. One and only one blogger stands alone by their participation on the DCB and the Duluth area blogosphere, and no it’s not me, the One and Only Tony Ramone.
The second selection criteria factor was the commitment to their cause.
The winner of the DCB Lifetime Blogging Achievement Award commitment is often, but mistakably, referred to as “sociopath” or “compulsive obsessive”, a”whackjob” or a " troll” by opponents who disagree. Clearly this is nothing more than a desperate attempt to diminish the effectiveness of the blogger's consistent message which ultimately has lead to notable political change. No, it's not me as DCB insiders were ineligible for the award.
The third selection criteria factor was the creativity a blogger uses to get their message out.
Productive bloggers are known to use multiple monikers, also called handles. The winner of the Lifetime Blogging Achievement Award has developed a following second to none with their use of hundreds of sock puppets, handles.
Much like a person suffering from a multiple personality disorder such as schizophrenia, our winner has most successfully demonstrated for years the successful use of controlling blog conversations using multiple monikers that converse with each other.
The dedication of this individual for spinning blog conversations throughout the region by creating conversation after conversation and then agreeing with themselves, yes selves, through a documented hundreds of blog names appears professionally authored and exhibits elite creativity beyond all others.
The unanimous whiner is
On behalf of the DCB’s thousands of readers, selection committee, and our professional consultants, we honor the most deserving troll of all with the area’s most recognized award for her blogging excellence. The winner of the DCB Lifetime Blogging Achievement Award, is the self described Queen of the Blogosphere and only "Claire" in Minnesota.
Claire, often referred to as C by her rivals, can claim her prize, a cheap bottle of French Bordeaux and a life time supply to troll spray, to help fight her battle with troll syndrome, this Thursday evening 7:00 PM at Carmody’s.
Ciao and thank you to all for making the DCB what it is, "Where the Action Is!"