In a David and Goliath property rights battle the unjust use of despotic power by the City of Duluth regarding property rights is coming to its day of reckoning.
What kind of government allows a developing party to use the city government’s absolute power through condemnation or eminent domain, for private gain, without the developing party having any liability or risk?
Once again, Duluth taxpayers will soon learn the answer as they will be picking up the tab in excess of $500,000 for incompetence by former Mayor Herb Bergson, former City Clowncilor Donny Ness and his fellow Clowncil disciples, DEDA Executive Director Tom Cotruvo, and City Attorney Robert Asleson.
What kind of government allows a developing party to use the city government’s absolute power through condemnation or eminent domain, for private gain, without the developing party having any liability or risk?
Once again, Duluth taxpayers will soon learn the answer as they will be picking up the tab in excess of $500,000 for incompetence by former Mayor Herb Bergson, former City Clowncilor Donny Ness and his fellow Clowncil disciples, DEDA Executive Director Tom Cotruvo, and City Attorney Robert Asleson.
The Castle Coalition states: As early as 1795, the U.S. Supreme Court described the power of eminent domain—where the government takes someone’s property for a "public use"—as "the despotic power." Eminent domain has the potential to destroy lives and livelihoods by uprooting people from their homes and businesspeople from their shops. With eminent domain, the government can force a couple in their 80s to move from their home of 50 years. Eminent domain is the power to evict a small family business, even if that means the business will never reopen. (Click to read the rest of Public Power, Private Gain)