The DNT has received public records of District 1 Councilor’s Laurie Johnson’s campaign financial report. The donations most notably are dominated by the usual labor interests. (Click on the image for full detail)
AFSCME heavy hitter Eric Lehto, AFSCME and multiple donations from Progressive Action lead the way. It should be noted that Progressive Action is led by Barb Olson, wife of AFSCME Field Representative Marshall Stenersen.
Laurie Johnson states that she is for “working” families and represents all the people of District 1. Councilor Johnson’s voting record has demonstrated a clear and consistent record of supporting union interests. Councilor Johnson has equally voted against non-union employers. So we want to know, what working families is Councilor Johnson for, the one’s paying dues that pay her salary, the out of town unions funding the campaign, or the all working families of Duluth, union and non-union?
Councilor Johnson is an employee of AFSCME Local 66, the same union that represents two thirds of the City of Duluth employees. A review of Councilor Johnson’s website fails to indicate her employment with the City of Duluth’s largest union.
The DNT attempted to have Councilor Johnson explain “working” families and all of the people of District 1, but Johnson was not available for comment.
Laurie Johnson states that she is for “working” families and represents all the people of District 1. Councilor Johnson’s voting record has demonstrated a clear and consistent record of supporting union interests. Councilor Johnson has equally voted against non-union employers. So we want to know, what working families is Councilor Johnson for, the one’s paying dues that pay her salary, the out of town unions funding the campaign, or the all working families of Duluth, union and non-union?
Councilor Johnson is an employee of AFSCME Local 66, the same union that represents two thirds of the City of Duluth employees. A review of Councilor Johnson’s website fails to indicate her employment with the City of Duluth’s largest union.
The DNT attempted to have Councilor Johnson explain “working” families and all of the people of District 1, but Johnson was not available for comment.